Base price

Acoustic guitar 8,500 CAD

Jazz DT 10,000 CAD


I invite you to contact me by email at so that we can arrange a meeting in person or by telephone/internet to define your needs such as:

-The type of guitar you are looking for

-The sound objective


-Ergonomic options

-Any other details necessary for making your instrument

Once the specifications have been completed, I request the payment of a 25% non-refundable deposit which will serve as a consultation fee and will reserve your place on my build list.

I then propose an installment payment which goes as follows:

-25% at the start of the build

-25% when applying the finishing product to the instrument

-The balance on delivery

The current lead time for a custom guitar is approximately 12 months.

Warranty policy

Informations about Kazourian guitars warranty policy